Jean Olsen provides insight into how to alleviate headaches naturally.This helpful, unique book was written by Jean Olsen, a successful certified neuromuscular massage therapist with over 20 years of experience in alleviating headaches. “Teaching people to help themselves has always been my passion”, Jean states. This dedication led her to develop this cutting edge instructional program. For years she has been helping her patients with consistent results and in this book you will learn the same dynamic tools.

Follow along with Jean as she teaches you, in less than 30 minutes, how to stop headache pain with these alternative methods that include neuromuscular points and range of motion stretches. Identify and treat headache trigger points for yourself and others in your home, office or wherever. Stop pain by reducing spasms, toxins and scar tissue which will stimulate blood flow within the muscles. Notice a huge difference as your muscles loosen and spasms disperse.

      • Are you tormented by headaches?
      • Does stress and tension go right to your head?
      • Do you want power over your migraines?
      • Would you like to find a quick, natural way to get rid of pain?

Stop READING about headaches–Get RELIEF NOW!

Save time and money with these easy to follow techniques to help yourself and others become “Headache Free…Naturally.”
Prompted by her statement that “Teaching people to help themselves has always been my passion” she has developed this exciting program that she has been teaching her patients for years.
You will learn how to identify headache triggers in less than 30 minutes at home, in the office or wherever. Save time and money with these hands-on techniques to help yourself or others become “Headache Free…Naturally.”



This book serves as a guide to a unique approach for headache relief. These self-care exercises, stretches, tips and journal will help one to take an active role in healing. Some of what is taught in this book can be used as a preventative measure to reduce the frequency, duration and intensity or get rid of headaches altogether. There is also information that serves to help relieve pain at the onset of a headache. This book has been written to empower headache sufferers as well as those who are either loved ones or health care practitioners of those who suffer from headaches.

The self-care range of motion stretches and self-massage have been written in a simple, easy to follow manner. By following along, pain is decreased or eliminated by reducing spasms in the headache muscles, helping to rid the body of toxins and reduce scar tissue, and stimulating blood and lymphatic flow within the muscles. The exact muscles that usually trigger headaches are the same muscles that this book will teach you to stretch, relax, and massage. The information contained in this book is based on over a decade of formal training, research, hands-on learning and feedback in my private practice as a licensed massage therapist and certified neuromuscular therapist. But anyone can learn these techniques in just minutes.

Contrary to what some people think, I do not believe it is as important to know what kind of headache one has before treating it. After extensive research I have come to the conclusion that most headaches have symptoms that overlap from one type of headache to the next. There is also contradictory information as to how to categorize different headaches. In Chapter 3, I give a brief overview of the main types of headaches, but keep in mind that this information is general information and may not apply to each and every person.

The only exception to the above statement regarding my belief about the categorization of headaches is the cluster headache. This unique headache can be addressed with natural types of remedies but also responds to two particular types of treatment—oxygen therapy and/or intranasal capsaicin. See Tip # 38 for more information on cluster headaches. The extremely painful cluster headache gets the name because of its tendency to occur in clusters. A person may be headache-free for long periods of time when suddenly the pain strikes (with no warning), usually right behind one eye, making it sometimes swell and even droop. Cluster headaches can also affect the nose, temple, jaw and chin. An episode typically lasts anywhere from 15 minutes to 3 hours.

Even the migraine headache is difficult to completely isolate. One popular, current belief is that the migraine is actually a combination of a few types of headaches. So, other than with the cluster headache, I believe it is more important to try (by natural means that will not harm if not helpful) to just get rid of them as quickly as possible! Mention of special considerations regarding treating migraines is throughout this book.

This book contains a list of tips that is packed with ideas that may be beneficial. They are all worth trying since everyone is so different. One never knows what may work for them!

Headache victims that suffer regularly will need to start off by following the self-massage and range of motion stretches on a daily basis. As the muscles loosen and spasms break down, a change will take place that will decrease pain. Every person I know that has used this information has been able to decrease the frequency, duration, intensity or stop their headaches altogether.

It is great to become actively involved in one’s own healing or to help others learn these methods of treating themselves. The sense of empowerment one gains by not having to rely on others or having to “pop pills” is incredible. By applying the self-care tools learned in this book, one can truly be “Headache Free…Naturally”™. If you need more information or tips directly from me, please feel free to contact me at

Headache sufferers need to continue to see their regular doctor or health-care practitioner for symptoms that may require further treatment. The information in this book is not intended as a substitute for medical advice of a physician. For more headache products go to


Chapter 1

Warnings/Medical Causes of Headaches

“What are the medical concerns related to headaches?”

Again, this book is not intended to take the place of medical advice. A doctor should be consulted if there are concerns regarding the contents of this book. If experiencing any of the symptoms below please contact a doctor immediately:

  • Sudden changes in the severity of headaches
  • Changes in memory, personality, behavior or consciousness
  • Changes in vision or ability to walk
  • If experiencing headaches constantly with no relief
  • If experiencing weakness, numbness, loss of senses, seizures, unexplained fever, or fever with a stiff neck or rash, breathing problems, a sore throat or respiratory infection
  • If headaches began after coughing, straining, exertion or injury
  • Consult a doctor if undergoing radiation and chemotherapy or are diagnosed with cardiovascular disease, HIV/AIDS or high blood pressure

Here are some other concerns:

  • If one has multiple sclerosis, do not press deeply on an inflamed area
  • Be gentle on arthritic areas
  • If one has a mild or early case of osteoporosis, press lightly in and around the bones and be very cautious with a more severe case
  • Stay away from tumorous and cancerous areas
  • If one has fibromyalgia or seizures don’t press too hard
  • If there is any suspicion that one’s headaches are related to dental problems, consult with a dentist

Headaches may serve as a messenger of other health issues that need to be checked out. Generally speaking, one may want to proceed cautiously if there are any questions regarding one’s health and the use of massage and/or natural treatments.


Chapter 2

Headache Triggers

“Why do people get headaches?”

Please read chapter one first to make sure you are not in need of immediate medical attention. One may want to have a physical examination anyway, just to make sure they are basically in good health. Since stress can actually bring about headaches, this suggested medical exam might serve another purpose by putting unnecessary worries aside.

Knowing what triggers a headache is an important step in knowing how to relieve headache pain. There are many reasons why people suffer from headaches. You may need to investigate the reasons you are getting headaches by assessing your symptoms regularly. Sometimes in the midst of suffering, it is difficult to spend a lot of time assessing your symptoms. In that case it is wise to move immediately into finding treatments that work best for you. In the following chapters, one will see information on aromatherapy, acupressure, tips, biofeedback and other alternative methods, range of motion stretches, neuromuscular points and behavioral/coping skills to reduce pain immediately.

Some people have a genetic predisposition to certain types of headaches. If this is true, other family members will also experience headaches. Some sufferers may have inherited headaches indirectly from family members by either learning poor coping skills, or poor self-care (such as eating habits, exercise, etc.). Obviously, one who has been brought up in an abusive family will be more prone to developing all kinds of physical problems including headaches. Even though some people may have directly or indirectly inherited a tendency to experience headaches, there are ways to alleviate this discomfort. The first step is in not believing you are a victim of this malady and that you have the resources, information and intelligence to become “Headache Free…Naturally”™.

Body structure plays an important role in everyone’s overall health. When there are structural problems other systems are affected as well. There may be a blocked flow of fluids, (causing pressure in some areas) or the flow of blood and other nutrients may be blocked from entering into the brain. Problems with the first two vertebrae (atlas and axis or c-1 and c-2) in particular can lead to intracranial pressure causing headaches. This may stem from entrapment of your veins and/or arteries, nerves and blood vessels. Pinched nerves from structural problems can lead to many health issues, including headaches. Actually, the whole cervical area, if not in proper alignment, can play a crucial role in the development of headaches.

When the structure of the body is not functioning properly it will distort the muscles, leading to tightening of these muscles. Also, the muscles can impede the structure of the body creating a hypertonic state of the muscles, which can start a destructive pain cycle within the body. Most people know when their muscles are tight, however they may not be aware of the potential downward spiral this may lead to. Headaches can be a direct or indirect result of this muscle tightening.

Lifestyle factors can play an important role in the development of headaches. Disturbances in sleep patterns, ignoring dental or eyesight problems, the use of poor lighting when working or reading, overexertion, overuse of the computer or any close-up work, smoking, alcohol consumption, poor eating habits, ignoring fatigue, not addressing hypoglycemia or other physical problems, are all contributors. Also, not getting enough exercise can contribute to headaches; however, overexerting oneself can be a factor, too.

Dietary factors are another consideration. Some people try eliminating certain suspect foods to see if they play a role in their headaches. You may also go to an allergist and get tested, not only for food allergies but also for environmental aspects. Some of the possible dietary contributors are listed below:

Dairy products, eggs, caffeine, alcohol, MSG, certain seasonings (mostly spicy ones), game meat, pickled or cured foods, fried or fatty foods, shellfish, certain vegetables and fruits, sugar, tyramine, sodium nitrate, dyes or food coloring, tartrazine, preservatives, and pesticides.

Certain medications can cause headaches as well. Those to check out are pain pills, birth control pills, blood pressure medications, antihistamines, asthma medications, estrogen replacement therapy and diuretics. One needs to ask their doctor if any medications they are on have side affects that include headaches. It is also helpful to know if any of their medications might affect each other adversely, bringing on headache pain.

Psychological problems such as stress, anger, fear, repressed emotions and depression can lead to headaches. Also, when someone is experiencing physical pain, especially prolonged physical pain, it can create adverse psychological states leading to headaches. Negative thoughts and feelings can adversely affect the body, resulting in muscular tension that may lead to headaches.

Environmental factors play a large role in headache development. These include: pollutants, weather changes (especially barometric pressure), pungent odors, certain noises, perfume/cologne, carbon monoxide, pollen and mold, high altitudes, dust, formaldehyde, gasoline, bright lights, dental amalgams, cigarette smoke, and heavy metals.

Physical disturbances in the body can cause headaches. Remember to see Chapter One to find out if your health care practitioner should immediately assess headaches that are brought on by physical problems. Others include chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, and candidiasis. Some digestive problems can contribute to headaches, probably due to toxicity. These include leaky gut syndrome, hypoglycemia, constipation and nutritional deficiencies. Some of the possible nutritional deficiencies include: iron, B vitamins, tryptophan, omega 3 fatty acids, magnesium, COQ10, silicea, copper and choline.

Hormone imbalances may play a part in headache development. High estrogen levels or low progesterone levels, as well as problems with the thyroid and hypoglycemia, fall into this category. This is another good reason to see a health care practitioner.

  • Hopefully this list of possible contributors to headaches will give you some clues as to how to help yourself alleviate headache suffering. This compilation of possible causes is current at this time, but new causes are being added as new environmental stressors are added and more research is conducted.

Taking an active role in headache pain management requires some investigation. Hopefully this compilation of possible headache triggers has helped in uncovering the possible reasons of headache pain so that one can be “Headache Free…Naturally.

*Please note: A lot of people experience headaches from a multitude of triggers.*


THIS BOOK SAVED MY LIFE! June 4, 2014 By reddhedd

I have suffered from headaches my entire adult life and have never read such a down to earth assessment of the causes or how to deal with the horrendous pain caused by my migraines. Its almost as if Ms. Olsen wrote this book personally for me! If you suffer from uncontrollable headaches AND are tired of your physicians giving you prescription after prescription for drugs that fail to alleviate your pain then this is the book is the answer to your prayers! Its definitely worth the investment to see how a natural approach to your health care can make a huge difference in your life. It definitely changed my life!!

Headache is gone! May 26, 2014 By KATE FLEISCHER

I used some of the techniques in this book and was surprised to find that I actually got some relief. I’m looking forward to going further into it and hope the positive results keep on coming.

I am telling the truth when I say that I am so impressed with what wonderful, clear and simple-to-follow instructions July 31, 2014 By Kim Jacoby

Honestly, I read this book because it was written by my cousin, Jean, and I have headaches a lot. I was really doing it to just support her and because I know how hard she has worked on it over the years. I am telling the truth when I say that I am so impressed with what wonderful, clear and simple-to-follow instructions she has put together. In addition, her techniques have been extremely helpful in treating my headaches. I am so proud of you, Jean! Love, Cousin Kim

Five Stars October 14, 2014

Amazing book – so much helpful information!